So it appears as though i have not posted in a few months, sorry!! Life in a word is just CRAZY! The past 3 months have flown and now its almost Christmas!
So just to sum up what has been going on, Jackson turned two, life with a two year old red head is interesting and a bit challenging :) We had Thanksgiving at our house and celebrated his birthday at the same time. He recieved several Mickey Mouse items which helped feed his obession with Mickey!
Jackson has also been keeping up with past tradition and spending plenty of time in the doctors office. His most recent appointment was yesterday, we took him to Sanford Childrens Clinic to see if we can figure out what is going on with him and why he is always sick. Dont know much yet, but they increased is asthma meds and put him back on a reflux med. They also did blood work and a flu shot which he just LOVED...yea, thats was a joke. He made it very clear he was done with the doctors and nurses and wanted to go home!!
Since we were in Sioux Falls yesterday i felt that was the perfect opportunity for me to finally get my Christmas shopping done. I am happy to say that i only need a few more gifts and then i am done!!! Now if could just find someone to wrap them all for me i would be in great shape!!
The other children are doing well, they have fallen into the routine of school and seem to both really enjoy it. Logan is also in preschool and enjoys it, especially the crafts, he really loves glue and paint:)
I am also still taking classes, and for the most part enjoy them as well. I finished my two sets of classes and am very pleased to say i recieved A's in both classes!! Now i am taking a compostion class and an accounting class. So far its going ok, but i have to write an 11 page research paper for the composition class and this has me a bit scared. I have not ever written that much about anything. It is not due until the first part of March so i have time to put it off for awhile:)
Anyway, that sums up our life. I probably should mention that Brian is doing well also, not meaning to leave him out:) I will try to keep up a little bit better, but i make no promises.