This year for the 4th we did something different, my entire family was together up at Okaboji, something that has not happened in several years...it was nice, and somewhat crazy:)
We spent the forth boating and skiing....glad to say that after four kids i can still ski. I really was not sure if i still could and was slightly afraid of hurting myself!!
Friday night Brian and I and the kids found a dock to sit on and watch the fireworks. They were cool and the kids enjoyed them. I did enjoy them myself but was actually really glad when they were finished. We were sitting on a floating dock and i was getting a little sick. Sad to say, but i don't think i could ever handle going on a cruize!
Saturday we took the kids to the beach. Morgan and Dylan just loved playing in the water, and i have to give the credit because it was COLD! Logan hates the water and was perfectly content to just play in the sand. We tried everything we could think of to get him to go in the water...even bribery (i know good parents we are !) but nothing was making him budge.
Sunday we were ready to come home, the weekend had been fun but exhausting! The drive home was even entertaining as about 10 miles from home the sky let loose and we got dumped on. I was following Brian who was pulling the camper...i could not see ANYTHING!! Lots of cars were pulling over, but we kept going, i don't think i have ever been so glad to see Alton:)
1 comment:
yah! I am so happy you started a blog site!! as if we dont have enough to do huh?
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