Six years ago my life changed forever. Not just my life, but my perspective on life. It was one of those days that i will probably never forget. I know what i was doing, the time of day it was, and how heartbroken i felt. Six years ago today, i received a call that my precious baby boy would not ever be like other little boys. I was given a list of things that he would probably never be able to do, and told that his was just the way that God had meant for him to be. Six years ago today we got a diagnosis of a Porencenphalic cyst on Dylan's brain, causing him to have Cerebral Palsy.
Now i am not meaning for this post to be sad, because really i am not. Six years ago i was heartbroken, scared, angry, many different emotions. Today, i see things differently, and mostly in part to my brave little boy. He has taught me to never say never and that the impossible, is possible. I swear he got the list of things his doctors said he would never do and decided to one by one prove them wrong.
Dylan is also a brave little boy. He has been seen by specialists, therapists, neurologists, pulminologists, cardiologists. He has been poked, blood drawn, x-rays and numerous other tests to even mention. Yet rarely did he shed a tear, he has always had the best attitude, and that in itself has taught me a lot.
Things still are not always easy, and i know he gets frustrated, but what child wouldn't when they can't use one arm or hand. When everything needs to be done one handed, things that those of us who have two hands take for granted. He has come a long way, as time has gone some issues have been figured out and new ones have replaced it. Now that he is starting school we are not just dealing with some of the physical limitations that he has but also some of the learning issues. He is a very, VERY smart boy, but focusing seems to be a problem. We start seeing a new doctor in a few weeks that i am very excited about, one that can hopefully shed some light on what goes on inside that amazing boys mind.
I just feel very blessed to have him in my life. He turns Seven in just a month, and like most kids he has been counting down the days to his birthday for, oh the last year or so:) He wants two things, and ipod and a skate board. The anxious mother in me thinks that maybe the skate board is not such a good idea. He struggles with balance, he will fall, he might get hurt, but maybe i need to listen to that little boy, and remember that he likes to prove people wrong, and to never say never to him.
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