Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ever heard the saying.....

Want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans? Well i think he is up in heaven having a good chuckle about now.

My mom is having knee surgery tomorrow. We have known this for a few months now. I really want to be at the hospital when she has surgery, the rest of my family should also be there. So i made plans. I had everything lined up. Kids would be in daycare full time, Brian would be in charge of bringing them and picking them up, he would take them to their evening church activities, it was all set, i was ready for Wednesday. Then that all changed with one puking child. All the sudden nothing was planned, i had no clue how the week was going to go, everything was up in the air. How silly of me a mother of 4 to think everything would go as planned...i should know better by now!!

So i still really have no clue how tomorrow will go. So far the rest of the family is fine, i am praying and crossing everything that will cross that everyone stays healthy and that my mom has a successful knee surgery.

This will be an interesting week, sending prayers up that God will allow my mom to have a quick recovery, and that my family will stay healthy.

1 comment:

Angela said...

Ok now that is an understatement that God laughs at our ideas of plans. I really needed that today!!

Praying everythign goes well for your mom and that you can be there for her!