I think i speak for most when i say its been a long winter, and i think that most people are ready for spring in hopes that some of the flu/viruses will leave our homes and let us live in peace!
Morgan had some weird virus on Friday, i felt bad for her, she rarely gets sick, she is supposed to be my healthy child!! Well fevers make me nervous, especially with her because she has not always been content to just have a fever, she likes to add seizures into the mix to make it a little more interesting!! Thankfully that did not happen, and her fever broke by Saturday morning, just in time for her to play at her piano contest!!
I took Morgan to her piano festival and it felt like i just yesterday that i was the one having to play before judges, i was the one that could not get her hands to stop shaking and i was the one that had to pee 500 times before i played (those of you who know me know that having to pee that many times is amazing for me since i am part camel!) anyway, i never really enjoyed it, and this is also the reason i have ALWAYS refused to play piano in church, i just can't do it!!
So like a good mom, i make my daughter do it instead! She did a great job, and really amazed me. Unlike me, she was not nervous at all!! She waited calmly for her turn to go in the room, she walked right up to the big grand piano and sat down and waited patiently for her turn to go. She played her two songs almost perfectly as though she played on a piano like that all the time (i wish!!). Once finished she smiled sweetly at the judges and sat by me. She scored and excellent on her songs and i was so proud of her.
I really wanted to take a picture of her playing or take a video, but i guess that's not allowed. I really wanted to try and sneak a video of her while playing but the good angel on my shoulder would not let me do it...maybe next year:)
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