It's been awhile, life has been a bit crazy. To sum up my summer it has been camping, strep throat, camping, strep throat, camping, strep throat. I think you get the picture. It has not been the healthiest summer for me, but i am hoping that we have finally figured out the problem.
Today was the first day of school for Morgan and Dylan, and that's when it hit me that summer is actually over, but how can that be because i swear there last day of school was just last week!!!! So i suppose before i know it, it will be Christmas, and that's just not something i want to think about yet.
As for my strep issues, well after my 5th episode of strep the doctors suggested having everyone in the family test to see if they were possibly a carrier. Meaning the have the strep bacteria in their throat but don't ever get sick from it. Well needless to say my family was not real impressed with me making them do this, but hey, i had my throat swabbed 5 times over the past few months it was time that someone else had it done:) Well i hoped it would be Brian because that would make the most sense to me, he was tested first but was not the guilty party spreading the germs. Next came my four kids, at this point i was really not hopeful that any of them were a carrier and i was feeling a bit frustrated because we just could not figure out why i kept getting sick. Well the doctor called me back after the 4 strep tests and not only did i have one, but i had 2 children who tested positive for strep!! Jackson had it, but Logan we think is the carrier. He is rarely sick, has never been tested for strep before, shows not signs at all, his throat is not even red! So Jackson, Logan and I were all put on antibiotic's in hopes of getting rid of this stupid germ. WE left for vacation and two days later Morgan says to me "mom, my throat hurts." Just what i wanted to hear! So i called our doctor who nicely called in a prescription without seeing her because we all new she most likely had strep as well (her 3rd time in 5 months) So needless to say that past few weeks have been very busy with me disinfecting everything i can think of, and praying that once i go off the antibiotic i don't get strep again....ever!
So that's about sums up my summer. Well that and the bugs, did i mention bugs before? How much i hate them? Well i finally had to call a pest control guy to come and spray my house, not just for the earwig bugs that were all over my house, but also for mud wasps, or the technical term Cicada killer. I just love that i have a bug with the name killer in my back yard!! Not only did i have one next but i had FOUR!!!! So they sprayed the nests (all but one, it was hidden) and told us that might help, but really cicada killers are hard to get rid off. Oh joy! The good news about them i guess is that they don't life long, usually from July- September...so i guess i only have a few weeks left of the lovely little killers.
So maybe winter isn't so bad...i am sure i will change my mind when its -20 and blowing 40 miles an hour, but i don't really want to think about that.
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