I hate snow, let me just say that right up front, i hate it. I was praying for a mild winter. I thought since we had a mild summer that it was only fair that we have a mild winter...with no snow, i guess God didn't see it that way, he disagreed and had to prove his point by sending us a massive snow storm...over Christmas no less.
So i spent Wed-Sunday with my family, lots and lots and lots of bonding. So what can you do during a snow storm that lasts for days. Well we played a lot of games, we watched movies, played in the snow, and my favorite...did 100 loads of laundry!!!! I thought that maybe, just maybe i would get completely caught up on laundry since i had nothing better to do. I was wrong, i will never be completely caught up on laundry. I figured it out, the only way i was going to get caught up on laundry during the snow storm was if everyone stopped wearing clothes, and that, just seemed a little weird.
Christmas day we let our children go outside and play in the snow. They all got bundled up, looking like little sumo wrestlers and headed outside. Jackson only managed about 5 min. outside and then he was done. When you are only about 3 feet tall, the 6+ snow drifts just seem a little scary. He kept getting stuck, and then did a face plant in the snow and after that he was just done, he wanted to go inside, dry off and take a nap. The other children had a blast, this includes their father who i think may have actually had more fun then the kids.
All in all, its was not a bad Christmas, there was something very relaxing about just being together with the family, about not having to rush from place to place. I do believe that God had a point with his snow storm. Not to make me miserable, but to make me slow down, to think about the true meaning of Christmas, to realize that one of the bests gifts you can get is family, and to maybe get caught up on my laundry.